Gardening and Composting Showcase

Make the most of your new backyard at Grace and learn from the experts on how to turn kitchen and garden waste into nutrient rich compost for your plants.

Melbourne gardening guru Vasili Kanidiadis will be demonstrating how to get the most from your compost and answering any gardening questions you have on Friday 12 May 2017, from 12:00 – 2:00 pm at Station Place Werribee (Wet weather location is the Wyndham Cultural Centre).

There will be plenty of giveaways from Wyndham City Council, Compost Revolution and the Seed Collection, too.

The backyard of your new home could be a thriving vegetable patch or a pristine garden filled with amazing plant life, so come along and learn the tricks of the trade to get your backyard looking its best.

Register now to learn about our upcoming land releases.